舞剧“小刀会”豌豆花开 "Daggers Society" Pea-Blossoms are in Bloom

Описание к видео 舞剧“小刀会”豌豆花开 "Daggers Society" Pea-Blossoms are in Bloom

商易 曲、沈文友,郑智豪改编
Composed by Shang Yi, Arranged by Sim Boon Yew and Ivan Tay

由於《豌豆花开》比较温婉 , 多数用做师兄师妹谈情说爱 , 一齐练舞 , 温馨场面既配乐,并在江南民歌的基础上,揉入了一点昆曲的因素。

As the “Pea-Blossoms are in Bloom” is relatively gentle, mostly used in senior-junior romance scenes, through the welcoming music tune which is based on the southern folk with a little of opera music flavours.


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