Webinar | From Sky to Mine: Enhancing Mineral Exploration with Drone Technology Description

Описание к видео Webinar | From Sky to Mine: Enhancing Mineral Exploration with Drone Technology Description

During this webinar, our partners and customers shared their experiences in mineral exploration supported by drones and airborne sensors.Jorge Negrette, COO of Geodia Industries, highlighted the capabilities of ground-penetrating radar for lithological characterization and subsurface deposit surveying.Trevor Grace, Director at AeroPhysx, described Aerophysx’s approach to airborne magnetometry and how it can be used for increasing exploration efficiency.

SPH Engineering (https://sph-engineering.com) is a global provider of UAV software solutions, integration services, consulting and custom development to expand drone applications. Its innovations support UAVs of different manufacturers and advance drone technologies for surveying, data collection, and entertainment. Founded in 2013 in Latvia (EU), the company has a global customer and partner network in 150+ countries. SPH Engineering's team advances four business lines:

- UgCS - mission planning and flight control software technology,
- UgCS Integrated Systems - airborne integrated systems with sensors from diverse manufacturers,
- Drone Show Software - a technology to manage drone swarm flights,
- SPH Consulting & Development - knowledge-based services to implement, integrate and develop technologies for the drone industry.


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