Webinar | Drone GPR: A Modern Solution for Underground Utility Locating | AltoMaxx & SPH Engineering

Описание к видео Webinar | Drone GPR: A Modern Solution for Underground Utility Locating | AltoMaxx & SPH Engineering

Modern infrastructure involves an increasingly complex network of underground pipes, cables, wires, and conduits. Avoiding this maze of buried utility lines is of critical importance during any development project.

Need has risen for a fast, efficient, and cost-effective option for subsurface data acquisition.

In this webinar Jared Seufert of AltoMaxx Technologies and Krišjānis Linkevičs of SPH Engineering will share how drone-based Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) can be used for underground utility locating.

Attendees will learn the benefits and capabilities of drone-based surveys, see real world examples of GPR data acquisition and analysis, and leave with a new, efficient option for addressing their utility locating needs.


Learn more about drone underground utility locating: https://www.altomaxx.com/underground-...

Learn more about drone GPR: https://www.altomaxx.com/ground-penet...

Visit the AltoMaxx website: https://www.altomaxx.com/

Visit the SPH Engineering website: https://integrated.ugcs.com/


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