The Rock Point Mill Ruins - Dayton, Nevada

Описание к видео The Rock Point Mill Ruins - Dayton, Nevada

Netty and I explored the old Rockpoint Mill Ruins in Dayton, Nevada. This location had a mill on site from approximately 1860 until 1920 and cost nearly $200,000 at the time of its construction. This mill processed gold and silver ore from nearby mines during the Comstock gold rush. When we were researching this location we found that we merely scratched the surface of all of its history in this video. If you're looking for a super-interesting stop along Highway 50 (The Loneliest Highway in America), this is a great place to check out and is only about 15 minutes East of Carson City.

One of the sources of information we used were the old newspaper articles from when this mill was in operation. The website we used is called Chronicling America - part of the Library of Congress. I've included the link for your enjoyment.

#highway50 #nevada #exploration


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