सेल्फ-जागृती ध्यान - Self Awareness Meditation - by Sirshree

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Self-Awareness Meditation
It is common to sit in meditation. However, one must learn to stand, walk and run as well in meditation. In a meditative state, all activities happen effortlessly. Call it meditation or inner silence. It is the same. When it is observed from different viewpoints,different words are used to describe it.When it is seen as a whole it is described as Meditation. When we experience its depth, it is described as Silence. When awareness becomes aware of itself the result is inner silence. When attention is on external things or in the present moment then it is awareness. When sunlight comes in light of itself, it becomes a bright light. Consciousness needs to awaken in its own light. If awareness or consciousness is not aware about itself then it is not self-meditation. It is mere witnessing of the body and mind. Those who understand will know clearly what pure consciousness feels like. Those who do not understand it yet, will certainlyexperience a eureka effect someday if they keep listening and practicing.At that point you would understand all that has been conveyed all along about inner peace and silence.
For consciousness to shine in its own light, it needs help from the body-mind mechanism. Body mind mechanism is a helpful friend. However, body mind mechanism could also become a traitor, if it is not trained and continues to indulge in its patterns and tendencies such as greed, lust, anger, worry, hatred, jealousy, boredom etc. As long as the mind is engaged in these tendencies, the ultimate life purposeof stabilizing in the experience of The Self would not be possible.Not many people have their body mind mechanisms supporting them as a helpful friend?If your body-mind mechanism is not your true helpful friend at this time, you can still make it a helpful friend. No matter what the state of the body mind mechanism is at this time, it can still help you. If there is no understanding, then whatever it does could be a hindrance in knowing the Self. If there are tendencies and patterns in the body mind mechanism, if it is not disciplined, if it engages in lust and attachment, the body becomes a traitor. Give your body mind mechanism true love. The Self(Consciousness) will want to give it true love. Consciousness likes to associate with body mind mechanisms that are free from tendencies, that are filled with bright love, that have a thirst for final Truth. Consciousness likes to associate with enlightened masters, where it is easy to experience itself. If such body mind mechanisms are not available, then The Selfcreates those bodies by giving them self-experience. The role of an enlightened Master is the same - to help other body mind mechanisms become free of tendencies and full of self-awareness by walking the same path that HE walked. Even if this looks difficult, nature creates opportunities for more body mind mechanisms to become free of tendencies and stabilize in The Self. This is part of the divine play. With this understanding, continue meditating without thoughts or chasing the thoughts. Stay in the present moment. Your focus must be on Tejasthan (your heart or feeling center, not the physical heart). If you wander in your head,ask your awareness to come back to your heart center. If the mind still wanders, askthe mind, “Who is meditating?” When you ask thisquestion, all delusional thoughts- thoughts that arise from preconceived notions, false beliefs, old patterns and tendenciesbegin to vanish. Only thoughts of self-experience remain or there is only bright silence.In meditation, you are GOD. You are freedom – the one who sets oneself free. Aham Brahmasmi -Whose actions arise only from the Source, the Truth. The ‘I am’ ness where the ‘I’ or egodissolves and ‘universal I’ prevails.
Before you open your eyes after meditating,remind yourself the state you experienced in meditation, the understanding you experienced while in the meditative state, so you do not get lost in the delusional world once you open your eyes. The understanding you gain in meditation does not get lost.Remain in self-awareness even while performing your daily routine. If you forget, remind yourself the Truth. Ask yourself often during the day, what role did you enter into now? Ask yourself every hour, “Who am I now?” Become aware of what happens that leads you to forget your true nature. Once this continuous self-enquiry becomes a habit, you will experience your true identify. You will remember who you are, before and after completing any activity.It will become a part of your being. You will stabilize in meditation.This is true or impersonal service.

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