DVD - עברית Lec 5h: Multi-Mode Multi-Corner (MMMC)

Описание к видео DVD - עברית Lec 5h: Multi-Mode Multi-Corner (MMMC)

Bar-Ilan University 83-612: Digital VLSI Design

This is Lecture 5 of the Digital VLSI Design course at Bar-Ilan University. In this course, I cover the basics of Chip Implementation, from designing the logic (RTL) to providing a layout ready for fabrication (GDS).

Lecture 5 covers the basics of static timing analysis (STA), used for optimization and for constraint checking. Timing is covered from both an algorithmic and a practical level, including examples of implementations in the Cadence work flow.

Lecture slides can be found on the EnICS Labs web site at:

All rights reserved:
Prof. Adam Teman
Emerging nanoscaled Integrated Circuits and Systems (EnICS) Labs
Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan University


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