Flat Tummy FTW! 5min Ab Workout

Описание к видео Flat Tummy FTW! 5min Ab Workout

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Hot Ripped Hipster Abs! Huh? Excuse me, I'm just going to do some crunches at band practice. While DJ Fakemoney works on his 6-pack, I thought I would work on mine. But seriously dude, what the f*ck is a "Lime-a-Rita"?? Leave it to Bud Light.
YEP. You guessed it! I didn't get my other video done yet. My bad. And while this video is a crappy replacement- the ab routine in it will actually make you hurt.

1. Crunches
2. Bicycle Crunches
3. Toe Touches (Sneak in a Reverse crunch there!)
4. Scissors
5. Open Leg Crunches (terrible name but it's what I came up with!)
6. Side Crunches
7. Plank w/ Leg Lift
8. Plank Knee-ups

Not much talking but you can follow along, feel the burn and tone that tummy!

Leggings by www.MessQueen.com
Music by No Way Josie: www.NoWayJosie.com
Viva el Disco


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