Decision Tree Pruning explained (Pre-Pruning and Post-Pruning)

Описание к видео Decision Tree Pruning explained (Pre-Pruning and Post-Pruning)

In this video, we are going to cover how decision tree pruning works. Hereby, we are first going to answer the question why we even need to prune trees. Then, we will go over two pre-pruning techniques. And finally, we will see how post-pruning works.

Corresponding blog post:
Post-Pruning from Scratch:    • Post-Pruning from Scratch in Python p.1  
Decision Tree Algorithm explained: Intuition    • What is Machine Learning? Part 2/5: D...  
Decision Tree Algorithm explained: Entropy    • What is Machine Learning? Part 3/5: D...  
Decision Tree Algorithm explained: Regression    • Coding a Decision Tree from Scratch i...  

00:00 - Why do we need to prune trees?
01:57 - Overfitting example
04:44 - Pre-Pruning: Min-Samples approach
07:08 - Pre-Pruning: Max-Depth approach
10:18 - Post-Pruning


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