A Strange Reunion Mashup

Описание к видео A Strange Reunion Mashup

Before anything else, I just want to say that the songs used in this video belong to their respective owner(s)- in this case Sony, Sucker Punch, an Sanzaru Games- and are in no way mine.
After making this video, I learned that the fuel used to power Clockwerk’s hate chip wasn’t his undying hatred of the Cooper Clan, but actually the base drum used in his boss theme. Seriously, you don’t know how much of a pain in the tuchus it was to deal with that base drum. You see, both versions of Clockerk’s theme share the same base drum, but not the same timing, with the one orchestrated version going at a faster beat than the one in the original. So with that in mind, I had to spend hours experimenting with the volume in order to ensure that both versions of the song could be clearly distinguishable yet blended together, while also making sure that the base drum discrepancy didn’t make the whole thing sound like a fireworks show.
So with that in mind, you may be asking why a Let’s Player like me would make this kind of video in the first place, and the answer to that is it’s something that I’m surprised no one else has already done (at least as far as I know) and that I’ve always thought that it would be cool to combine the two themes together to form one epic version. And as for why I’m using a picture of Bentley instead of Clockwerk, it’s because I’ve always found Bentley’s expression when he steals the Belgian hanky to be oddly hate-filled.


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