Where your inspired ideas come from (and why they come to YOU)

Описание к видео Where your inspired ideas come from (and why they come to YOU)

Ideas are made of energy too.

The visions, desires and ideas that come to you are made of pure potentiality….

….as are you.

The energy of the ideas that make themselves known to you WANT to be created.

They want to be manifested, and they want to be felt, embodied and realized….


The ideas that come to you aren’t a fluke, they’re coming to you BECAUSE YOU’RE WORTHY OF THEM.

The work isn’t so much creating them, but believing in you to do so.

How can you see your greatness the way the energy around you does, and allow the visions that come to you to be created through the magic that you already are?

HOME is a place where you can begin to own the frequency required to birth your biggest callings through you, and in doing so, become an energetic match for your own limitless potential to.

Come join us: https://network-14066528.mn.co/share/...


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