Marcus Luttrell, Lone Survivor

Описание к видео Marcus Luttrell, Lone Survivor

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Marcus Luttrell visited the Pritzker Military Museum & Library in May 2008 to talk about the book he co-authored, "Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10".

Luttrell joined the U.S. Navy in 1999 and became a SEAL in 2002. He deployed to Afghanistan in the spring of 2005.

During Operation Redwing, Luttrell's four-man SEAL team faced a difficult decision when three goat herders stumbled upon their location. If they were to release the unarmed civilians, one of whom was a teenager, their position would likely be reported to nearby Taliban forces; but killing the trio of goat herders would be a violation of the the rules of engagement — constituting an act of murder.

Shortly after letting the goat herders go, their position was compromised by close to 150 Taliban fighters. The battle that ensued left Luttrell severely wounded and the other three members of his team dead.

With three cracked vertebrae, he managed to walk and crawl more than seven miles where he was taken in by tribesmen and granted Lokhay: a Pashtunwali code that guarantees safety and security at all costs for a wounded traveler, with protection from all enemies - even the heavily-armed Taliban fighters who demanded that Luttrell be turned over to them.

A film version of the book has been released on 10 January 2014 nationwide.

More information on Marcus Luttrell can be found at


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