Sleeping Supplements - The Top 5 BEST Natural Sleep Aids

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Sleeping Supplements - The Top 5 BEST Natural Sleep Aids

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Top 5 Natural Sleeping Supplements. We all know how critical sleep is. Without good quality sleep, you lumber about your day tired, groggy, and feeling foggy. And nothing is worse than this happening during an important event, where you need to stay sharp, focused, and energized. But despite your awareness of the importance of sleep, you know it doesn’t always come easy. So if you find it hard to fall asleep at night, if you toss and turn as you count the sheep away in vain, this video is for you. Up ahead are some powerful natural sleep supplements you can use to enjoy high-quality, restful sleep that will truly rejuvenate and restore your mind and body, and optimally prepare you for your day.

Hey, it's me again the founder and CEO of Activated Potential, as well as the creator of the Ultimate Energy Crash Course — your one-stop guide to helping you optimize your biology and improve your energy.

If you want to have high energy levels and live a healthy life, you need to make sure that you’re getting not only enough sleep, but also quality sleep. There are many factors to consider, including your environment, your nutrition, and your sleep consistency. But even if all these things were up to par, that might still not be enough. Most of you at some point in your life have probably experienced some trouble sleeping, and you might even be experiencing that now. There are a cascade of factors that could be causing this. But if you’re taking care of the sleep basics, these troubles won’t be chronic, and you’ll be getting restful sleep soon enough.

Still, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be prepared for those nights when you just can’t seem to be able to stop tossing and turning. One of the most effective ways you can do this is with sleep supplements. This is why I’ll be sharing with you the top 5 natural sleep supplements that will have you catching Z’s in no time.

So pay close attention, and the next time you can’t fall seem asleep you’ll be ready. Even just one night of bad sleep can affect your energy level and cognitive performance immensely. And for most of you, these sleepless nights will come right before an important test or meeting, or some other important event where you simply can’t afford to be exhausted and drained from bad sleep. So make sure to include these natural sleep supplements in your toolbox to ensure that you’ll be performing at your best all the time! Let’s get started!

#1. Chamomile

When it comes to sleep supplementation, the cardinal rule is this: Less is more. You want to intervene as little as possible. Supplementing with something that is too strong might damage your sleep quality or leave you feeling groggy in the morning. That is why coming in at #1 in our list is chamomile.

Chamomile is a plant that’s very often consumed as a tea. Chamomile has been shown to provide numerous health benefits. And fortunately, it’s also a great sedative.

There are a number of compounds in chamomile that might contribute to its sleep-inducing effects. One of the most interesting is the flavonoid apigenin. Apigenin has been found to bind to benzodiazepine receptors in the brain, which gives it hypnotic, calming, and anxiety-reducing properties. When it comes to sleep supplements, we’re always looking for at least one of these effects, and chamomile has all three! In addition, chamomile is relatively mild and can be consumed fairly often. Because of these factors and its other health-boosting benefits, chamomile is a great go-to sleep supplement.

Another awesome perk about chamomile is that it’s simply delicious. I recommend that you make chamomile tea with some honey and MCT oil. Blend them up and you’ll have a creamy, delicious drink that will not only help you fall asleep, but also boost your sleep quality by ensuring proper sleep nutrition! The next time you‘re finding it difficult to catch some Z’s, or the next time you simply want to ensure good sleep before that big event, give chamomile a shot. You won’t be disappointed!

#2. L-Ornithine

At #2 is a supplement you may be unfamiliar with. This is the amino acid L-Ornithine. Many of you might know that amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. However, we also have non-protein amino acids.

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