Some Things to Think About if You Are New to Wood Heat

Описание к видео Some Things to Think About if You Are New to Wood Heat

The notions put forth in the video are not scientific theory nor are have they been proven in laboratory conditions. They are all just a few of my collective thoughts on the subject of burning wood. I am sure there are plenty out there that can put their thoughts to words in a much more direct and articulate manner. But as you may know, with me you get what you get. The best suggestion is to do a bit deeper research if you've a notion to learn all the technical terms and descriptive theories about the subject.
What is presented is real world experiences put forth in common talk that is intended to be thought provoking....because understanding the basics of safety concerning the process of burning wood in your home or shed should be considered an important topic to all who engage in this activity. The video is long, but in actuality not nearly long enough because this is an exhaustive subject about which many volumes have already been written. I guarantee it is not all inclusive by any means, and by many standards probably arguably wrong on many points. But hey...I'm just an aging baby boomer and country boy doing what I can to get by. Enjoy... #woodheat, #fireplace, #carbon


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