GBO2: MP Nu, Mixed Maps

Описание к видео GBO2: MP Nu, Mixed Maps

MP Nu! The budget Nu gundam!

This MS is a 600 General cost suit. It has a large kit, a lower powered version of Nu's Rifle. This rifle can do rapid shots for okay build stun x2.25 times before OH, or full charge for a stun x2 before OH. A Cheaper version of Nu's bazooka you also get, without having to ditch the Nu Rifle as its a sub weapon this time. You also get Incom's instead of Fin Funnels with a Hi-Nu fin funnel pattern and solid build stun. You got shoulder cannons that can insta stun like MP ZZ's, you can fire them twice before OH. The Vulcan's that are pretty solid with decent build stun, and you get a forearm cannon that actually has solid build stun that can be fired 4 times before OH. You also get a Beam saber that's a wee bit larger then your standard one, it also gets the Zero Shiki pattern for melee.

When the suit first dropped it was established it is pretty good. Seriously there really wasn't an major issue with the MS. It has good build stun, MA 1 to make up for no shield, you got 2 stuns that you can chain easily to keep them in their place. The only obvious issue was your lack of a shield to absorb the damage you would receive. Its also a 2*, so you should be able to get it eventually. People liked the suit, even thought it was pretty boring for some people. It does kinda struggle to fight a really good Atlas or BC player, but that's to be expected.

Overall MP Nu is a solid MS, Its a good ranged MS that can also frontline thanks to its MA, long melee reach, and 2 stuns. I like playing this suit and it gave me a reason to go back to playing 600 again, even though i miss playing OG ReZEL... :c

In fight 1 I was still kinda learning the MS, I found out that if you use the arm cannon, into Rifle you can knock a Anksha out of the sky. Which is HUGE! I also thought the Heavy from the Zulu EH wouldn't touch me... welp i was wrong there lol. I did get annoyed with the 3rd death though, I could of prevented that by moving with the team instead of separating myself. I did stop him multiple times after though. Seriously i got to tackle a lot in this suit, more then i expected. Match 2 was surprising, rare to see Driessen in 2024... Bro wasn't ready for the C1 lmao, and the S-Gundam needs to pay attention more. He was easy to read...


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