[창사보도특집] 석산과 오페라

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서구문명의 발전은 돌과 함께 시작됐습니다.
오래 전부터 석재를 활용해 신전을 짓고, 성을 쌓았던 유럽은 남아있는 석산을 어떻게 활용하고 있을까요?

JTV전주방송 특집 다큐멘터리 석산과 오페라는 폐기물 매립장으로 사용하려다 버려진 석산에 세계 최초 5성급 지하호텔을 만든 중국 상하이, 미디어아트 공연장으로 탈바꿈한 프랑스 아비뇽의 빛의 채석장, 석산에 오페라 공연장을 만들어 중부 유럽 최대 규모의 오페라 축제를 여는 오스트리아 장크트 마가레텐의 석산오페라축제 등 4개국을 현장 취재한 프로그램입니다.

규제에 막혀 개발이 끝난 석산을 다른 용도로 활용하는 데 어려움을 겪는 우리나라와는 달리, 유럽과 중국은 이미 오래 전부터 석산을 공연장이나 관광시설로 활용하고 있는데요. 석산이 갖고 있는 독특한 풍광과 오랜 세월 지역을 지켜온 산업 유산으로서 가치를 인식했기 때문입니다.

JTV특집 다큐멘터리 석산과오페라에서는 오스트리아, 프랑스, 중국의 웅장한 풍광과 다양한 사례를 통해 앞으로 폐석산의 다양한 활용방안에 대한 해법을 모색해봅니다.

TV Jeonju Broadcasting, a private broadcaster in Jeonbuk Province, will air a special documentary titled ‘Seoksan and Opera’ at 6:50 PM on the 25th, exploring ways to utilize Seoksan.

This program includes ▲ Shanghai, China, where the world's first 5-star underground hotel was built on a stone mountain that was abandoned after being used as a waste landfill; ▲ 'Quarry of Light' in Avignon, France, which was transformed into a media art performance hall; ▲ an opera performance hall was built on a stone mountain, making it the largest opera in Central Europe. On-site coverage was conducted in four countries, including the 'Seoksan Opera Festival' in St. Margareten, Austria, which hosts the festival.

Unlike Korea, which has difficulty using developed seoksan for other purposes due to restrictions, Europe and China have been using seoksan as performance halls or tourist facilities for a long time.

This is because the value of Seoksan Mountain was recognized as its unique scenery and the ‘industrial heritage’ that has protected the region for a long time.

Thanks to this, Seoksan villages, which had fallen into decline after the development of Seoksan Mountain, are regaining their vitality as tourists visit again.

Reporter Ha Won-ho of JTV Jeonju Broadcasting, who directed the production, said, "There are hundreds of stone mountains across the country that have been left unrestored after development," and added, "In Jeonbuk, development has been completed centered around Iksan, the largest granite producing area in Korea." "There are many stone mountains that are nearing completion of development, but they have been left as ugly ruins for decades without any plan to utilize them," he explained.

At the same time, he said, "Iksan's Hwangdeungseok is considered the best stone in Korea, to the extent that it was used in the huge stone pillar of the Blue House guesthouse built in the 1970s, but Iksan's stone industry is at a crossroads due to strict environmental regulations and low-cost foreign stones." He pointed out, "We need to quickly explore various ways to utilize the stone mountains left behind after development so that they can help revitalize local culture and tourism."


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