The Real You is BEYOND Birth & Death (how to discover your “Original Face”)

Описание к видео The Real You is BEYOND Birth & Death (how to discover your “Original Face”)

#spiritualawakening #nonduality #trueself

The real you, the True Self, is beyond the confines of time and space, never born and never dying because it transcends the very conditions that define birth and death. This is the Self that has always been and always will be—the ground of all being, the I AM-ness that is ever-present, witnessing the play of forms, thoughts, and experiences.

The True Self is an eternal witness, pure awareness that remains unchanged, untouched by the comings and goings of the temporal world. It is not confined by the limits of time or the boundaries of the physical body; it is the pure awareness that perceives all phenomena but is not itself a phenomenon.

The Zen Koan "Show me your original face, the face you had before your parents were born." points directly to this eternal nature, urging you to look beyond the fleeting identities and roles you assume in this life and recognize the timeless essence that has always been. Your "Original Face" is that which exists prior to any conditioning, any concept of self, before any form of separateness arose. This Koan is not just a riddle but an invitation to awaken to your true nature, to see through the illusion of a separate self and realize the boundless, timeless, ever-present nature of consciousness.

Jesus says in the Gospel of Thomas, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All." (Saying 2). This explains the journey of discovery, the sacred quest to know the Self that transcends all worlds. To seek is to find, to find is to be astonished, to be astonished is to recognize that the real you has always been the unborn and undying essence—an eternal, unshakable presence, forever at rest in the heart of all that is. In realizing this, you come to know that the real you is the eternal witness, the infinite ground of all being, never born and never dying, simply and eternally I AM. Jesus also teaches in the Gospel of Thomas, "When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father." (Saying 3). This is the call to return home, to remember that the essence of who you are has always been the luminous, unborn, and undying presence that exists before all beginnings and after all endings—a radiant infinity, a silent I AM, endlessly gazing upon itself in the mirror of eternity.

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