For edited version click here :    • ANTICHRIST NAME REVEALED ( FULLY EDIT...  

For a shorter, 10-minute version:    • ANTICHRIST REVEALED : It was Paul  

Paul destroyed EVERYTHING Father God and Christ the Son commanded--- through his doctrine of Saved by faith Alone --which means you do NOT have to keep any commandments of the Father or Son.
Paul thus dealt a CRUSHING blow to the teachings of Father, Son, and the Prophets.

• Jesus curses Pharisees with 7 woes in Matthew 23:13-39—Saul (Paul) was a Pharisee
• Jesus then WARNS His disciples with the caveat “beware of the yeast (doctrine) of the Pharisees! (Matthew 16:6) Mark 8:15, Luke 12:1
• Jesus then proceeds to appoint Saul, the vicious Church persecuting Pharisee, as His apostle, as per Paul’s story (Acts 9:1-19).
• If we accept Paul as 13th apostle of Christ we must also accept that by appointing paul, Christ went back on his word in Matthew 12:31 “Therefore I say to you, any sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven people, but blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven. Paul confesses in 1Timothy 1:13 that only had blasphemed God but made others also blaspheme ( Acts 26:11)
• Paul provides three different and inconsistent accounts about his conversion experience
• There is not a single credible witness who witnessed Paul’s conversion ( except for the lynch mob murderers who were with him, when “Jesus of Damascus” appeared to Paul)
• Paul leaves for ARABIA (and Damascus) instead of Jerusalem for 3 long years after conversion( Galatians 1:11–20), without meeting or sharing his experience with any of Christ’s apostles.
• What was Paul doing in Arabia alone? What was “Christ” teaching him there, secluded from all, especially His twelve beloved apostles?
• Who was this “Christ of Damascus” who appeared to Paul on the road to Damascus?
• The apostles are NOT informed by Christ that He wants to appoint a 13th apostle. Why did Christ keep His beloved 12 in dark – when He says clearly in John 15:15 "everything that I ( Christ) learned from my Father I have made known to you( Apostles).”
• Neither does Christ stop the 11 apostles from choosing a 12th, Matthias, to replace the betraying apostle Judas (Acts 1:12-26). In fact, Christ was present in Spirit in the election of Matthias.
• Christ applauds the Church of Ephesus for exposing false apostles (Revelations 2:2) which had previously rejected apostle Paul, at least on one occasion (2 Timothy 1:15). Who is this false apostle(s) among 13, Jesus is talking about?
• ALL Churches in Asia had rejected Paul at least on one occasion by his own submission (2 Timothy 1:15). WHY had they rejected him?
• Father God and Christ honor only 12 of the now 13 apostles in Revelation 21:14 where only 12 apostles’ names are mentioned. Only 1 of the two --- Matthias (hand-picked by the apostles of Christ) or Paul ----will find a place/name in the new Jerusalem. WHO was the apostle who was not honored by God on the last day?
• Going against the warning of Christ in Matthew 23: 9 “to not call anyone on earth 'father,' for you have one Father, and he is in heaven” Paul goes on to say in 1 Corinthians 4:15 he became “our father” through the gospel
• By saying All scripture is God-breathed ( 2 Timothy 3:16) Paul committed a double blasphemy----not only did he place his words at par with the words of Almighty God in the Bible and His one begotten son Christ Jesus, but he also included the words of the devil in Bible
• Christ testing in wilderness, God & devil dialogue in Job, serpent’s word in the garden of Eden. Words of murderers, demons, rapists, cannibals, murderers, and mockers of Christ--- who beat him & crucified him, and words of demons. ARE ALL THESE GOD BREATHED as paul says in 2 Timothy 3:16? NO other writer ( except Paul) anywhere in Bible has written this heresy, except paul.
• Paul says in Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the FREE GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE through Christ Jesus our Lord.” Jesus RUBBISHES that claim in Luke 14:25-34 --- by stating the large cost of becoming His disciple—be ready to give up EVERYTHING asks the Lord if you want to become my disciple.
Paul kept teaching about salvation by Grace through Faith—enticing Christians to focus squarely on salvation, when Jesus clearly WARNS that “ whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and for the gospel will save it." Mark 8:35 John 12:5, Matthew 10:39, Matthew 16:25, Luke 9:24, Luke 17:33 BUT Paul never taught this. WHY?
Paul taught us to be completely focused on salvation RATHER than doing the Will of God--- without which Jesus warned NONE can be saved (Matthew 7:21, Mark 3:35).
Finally, Paul makes a damning confession in 2 Corinthians 12:16:
“But be that as it may, I did not burden you myself; nevertheless, CRAFTY FELLOW THAT I AM, I TOOK YOU IN BY DECEPTION”
Raj Sahu Email:
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