Marble Blast Gold World Record Rampage #4 :: Advanced

Описание к видео Marble Blast Gold World Record Rampage #4 :: Advanced

I used to say after the third WRR that I’m not even bothering to play MBG anymore for WRs since I don’t have the patience to attempt anything and that some levels are just beyond my skill level. This time around Dushine joins this statement and I’m sure a lot of others are going to say that as well.

I can’t stop WOW-ing at all the improvements here and the many highlights. Be it the oldies like Siege, Survival of the Fittest and Half Pipe Elite, or the new shockers like Three-Fold Maze, Tube Treasure, Airwalk or… actually a lot. There is lots to like here. I can’t stop watching Skyscraper’s mess up becoming a World Record, my heart keeps missing a beat at the end of Great Divide Revisited every time, or the Restart Screenshot Glitch being coupled with a regular Screenshot glitch on Freeway Crossing, and so much more. It is truly one of the greatest videos of Marble Blast of all time.

This WRR is a 72 levels improvement over the last rampage and 25.523 seconds faster. Advanced has slightly more than 12 seconds improvement here, but 38 levels improved over WRR3.

We would like to thank all the runners for hundreds of hours of work being put into recording the runs and IsraeliRD for compiling everything. It took us many hours to record everything, with levels like: Great Divide, Hoops, Tightrope, Siege, Pathways, Pipe Dreams, Skyscraper and others taking dozens of hours to record. Even simple levels such as Gyrocopter, Hop Skip and a Jump or Tornado Bowl were a lot harder to do than might meet the eye.

We would also like to thank many members of the community (we love you all!) and the fantastic developers of Marble Blast Gold who gave us a very enjoyable game. We would also like to thank the SDA staff for all their work into maintaining this site.

Please visit us at where the community is.
This run will be available on SDA from the 28th February on

We hope you enjoy!


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