Tier 10 Cruiser Napoli - Napoli Kruvazörü | World of Warships Blitz

Описание к видео Tier 10 Cruiser Napoli - Napoli Kruvazörü | World of Warships Blitz

We continue with Napoli Cruiser. I am Lord Jim, hi to all. We prepared this content with Alister. Let's start with the history.

In the mid-1930s, Italian company Ansaldo worked on a project for a heavy cruiser that was intended for the U.S.S.R. In the first half of the 20th century, it was common practice for Italian shipbuilding companies to offer their projects to interested countries, and right before World War II, the U.S.S.R. started building their Great Fleet.

The Italian shipbuilders offered a project for a battlecruiser, however, it would never actually be constructed. Nevertheless, the blueprints that were brought from Italy to the U.S.S.R. turned out to be influential-the battleships of Project 23, drew plenty of inspiration from the Italian design.

The Napoli is based on a preliminary design for the Soviet Project Heavy cruiser, but was never actually built . There were a total of two heavy cruiser plans proposed by Ansaldo. In the end, the design was abandoned. The historical design was called for a ship with nine 250 mm guns in three triple turrets with two superfiring at the front and one at the rear.

The secondary battery would consist of twelve 130 mm guns in six twin turrets, and twelve 100 mm guns in six twin turrets as well. The design was also armed with two triple torpedo launchers located at the rear of the ship.

Tier 10 Napoli is an Italian heavy cruiser in the Blitz game. While she shares some similarities with her tech tree counterpart Venezia including good agility and speed plus access to the Exhaust Smoke Generator, she also has some unique features. Most notably, she loads HE shells rather than semi-armor-piercing S.A.P. main battery shells.

Napoli’s most unusual feature is her secondaries. Rather than firing HE like all other secondary batteries, Napoli’s fire SAP shells. As with other SAP shells, they are less effective against sharply angled targets, but have increased penetration and damage compared to same caliber H.E. shells. Additionally, Napoli’s secondary guns have substantially improved accuracy. When fully upgraded, they can reach out to higher range, leaving only a kilometer between her detection and secondary ranges.

Napoli is also armed with a pair of quadruple torpedo launchers, one on each side, with comfortable firing angles. She has an extra torpedo per launcher compared to Venezia and a longer reload, but otherwise their torpedoes are identical.

Napoli is a tier 10 italian premium heavy cruiser that stands out because of its powerful secondary armament in comparison to other cruisers (both manual 7.76 km secondaries and auto 7.05 km secondaries base. The main guns are not outstanding but perform well and have high shell velocity and base range.

Since it is a close quarters combat ship, it boasts great speed 34.18 knots alongside 3 charges of fuel smoke level 2, to get close fast and use the fuel smoke whenever necessary. It also comes equipped with 3 charges of secondary gun boost level 2 that increases range and reload of both auto and manual secondaries. This helps improve gun performance and DPM in brawls while staying mobile swiftly combining the fuel smoke and speed.

When it comes to builds, since it's a secondaries focused ship, you can go with either secondary range mod or main dispersion depending on how you play the ship. For the second slot, acceleration is the better choice for improved agility. And for the third slot, you can choose either concealment or speed which will also come down to personal preference.

Overall it is a very fun and enjoyable ship since you get a very good idea of a brawling experience with greater maneuverability than any battleship can dream of. However, it is not an easy ship since it requires hunting for isolated targets, good positioning since it's a flanking ship and relying on concealment at first which can be overthrown if there's planes nearby.

Napoli lacks Anti Aircraft, however so try to attack from stealth after the CV has committed to another ally so it’s less likely to attack you during your attacks on surface ships. Napoli will struggle in sniping battles which is typically why going wide helps so you can mitigate the amount of targets that may be able to fire on you, but more importantly to mitigate the amount of targets looking in your direction when you begin your attack.

When starting a match Alister tries to remain undetected for as long as possible and then sneak in behind and allied DD to use his secondary’s on the first ship they spot before the BBs can get in a good position to counterattack, from there he will go after cruisers and then battleships unless a battleship starts hard pushing in which case he will start kiting and kill it first.

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