Mathematical Aptitude: Important Questions from NTA NET Paper 1 June 2019 (Past Paper Solutions)

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Dr. Manishika Jain explains Mathematical reasoning (NTA NET Paper 1 New Syllabus 2019) MCQs

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Q 1. A trader mixes three varieties of refined oil costing Rs. 100, Rs. 40and Rs. 60 per litre in the ratio 2:4:3 of litre, and the sells the mixture at Rs. 66 per litre. What percentage of profit does he make? (24 June 2019 Evening Shift)
(1) 12%
(2) 10%
(3) 9%
(4) 8%

Q2. If 0.75x=0.02y, then the value of ((y-x)/(y+x) ) is (24 June 2019 Evening Shift)
(1) 73/75
(2) 75/77
(3) 73/77
(4) 780/75

Q 3. During one year, the population of a town increased by 5% and during the
Next year, the population decreased by 5% .If the total population is 29925 at the end of the second year, and then what was the population size in the beginning of the first year? (21 June 2019 Paper 1 Evening Shift)
(1) 25000
(2) 30000
(3) 33000
(4) 36000

Q 4. In a class, 20% of the boys have blue eyes and 10% of the girl has blue eyes. If the ratio of boys to girls in the class is 4:3, then what is the portion of the students in the class having blue eyes? (21 June 2019 Paper 1 Evening Shift)
(1) 12/33
(2) 12/45
(3) 11/45
(4) 11/70

Q 5. The sixth number in a sequence of numbers is 32 and each number after the first number in the sequence is 4 less than number immediately preceding it. What is the third number in the sequence? (21 June 2019 Paper 1 Evening Shift)
(1) 36
(2) 40
(3) 44
(4) 48

Q6. If x and y are positive numbers and x is 25 % greater than y, what is the value of the ratio y/x? (21 June 2019 Paper 1 Morning Shift)
(1) 0.75
(2) 0.80
(3) 1.20
(4) 1.25

Q 7. 5% of the inhabitants of a village having died of malaria, a panic set in. During this 20% of the remaining inhabitants left the village. The population is then reduced to4750. Find the number of original inhabitants (21 June 2019 Paper 1 Morning Shift)
(1) 5000
(2) 5250
(3) 6250
(4) 7500

Q 8. Sanjay sold an article at a loss of 25%. If the selling price had been increased by Rs. 175, there would have been a gain of 10% .What was the cost price of the article? (26 June 2019 Paper 1 Morning Shift)
(1) Rs. 350
(2) Rs. 400
(3) Rs. 500
(4) Rs. 750

Q 9.Which of the following fraction is the result of the sum of integer and its reciprocal? (26 June 2019 Paper 1 Morning Shift)


Q 10. The product of two numbers a and b is twice the sum of the numbers. What is the sum of the reciprocals of a and b? (25 June 2019 Paper 1 Morning Shift)
(1) 1/8
(2) 1/2
(3) 2
(4) 4

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