Teaching Aptitude: Questions from NTA NET Paper 1 June 2019 (Past Paper Solutions): Dr. Manishika

Описание к видео Teaching Aptitude: Questions from NTA NET Paper 1 June 2019 (Past Paper Solutions): Dr. Manishika

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NET Paper 1 Playlist -    • NTA UGC NET JRF Exam - Paper 1 (UGC)  

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Q 1. Below are listed some learner’s characteristics. Identify those that help in Effective teaching. (21 June 2019 Evening Shift)

Q 2. Below are given two column-A lists methods of teaching an column-B Lists the focus of a method. Match column-A with Column-B (21 June 2019 Evening Shift)

Q 3. Below are listed some activities performed by a teacher. Which activities are of the nature of Formative evaluation? (21 June 2019 Evening Shift)
(1) Giving a mastery test
(2) Conducting quiz session
(3) Evacuating students in grading system
(4) Providing feedback while teaching
(5) Encouraging students reflect more

Q 4. A teacher gives lot of positive and negative examples to support his/her presentations in the classroom. This will be related to which level teaching? (21 June 2019 Evening Shift)
(1) Autonomous development level
(2) Memory level
(3) Understanding level
(4) Reflective level

Q 5. From the list given below, identify those teaching methods which have a great scope for dialogic discourses. (21 June 2019 Evening Shift)
(1) Lecture with audio-visual aids
(2) Team teaching
(3) Tutorials
(4) Problem solving methods
(5) Chalk and talk method
(6) Group discussions

Q 6. Peer group interaction in a classroom helps in (24June 2019 Evening Shift)
(1) Concept understanding
(2) Realization of One’s misunderstanding
(3) Rapport Building
(4) Questioning

Q 7. Reflective practice implies use of one’s (24 June Evening Shift 2019)
(1) Cognition
(2) Metacognition
(3) Metacognition on cognition
(4) Reinforcement of learning

Q 8 Inclusive Education implies (24 June Evening Shift)
(1) Ensuring learning outcome of every child to be the same
(2) Including the disabled in the main stream
(3) Provides compulsory education for children below 14 years
(4) Ensuring that no child is left behind in education

Q 9. Below is given a list of teaching methods and approaches. Which among them are individualized approaches? (25 June 2019 Morning Shift)
(i) Demonstration method
(ii) Modular approach based teaching
(iii) Programmed learning
(iv) Personalized teaching
(v) Collaborative method

Q 10. Which of the following statements is true in the case of a test prepared by you as a teacher? (25 June 2019 Morning Shift)
(1) If a test is reliable, it is objective
(2) If a test is valid, it is reliable also
(3) If a test is reliable, it is valid
(4) If a test is valid and reliable, it is usable

Q 11.Which among of the following bases can be counted to judge the effectiveness of teaching? (25 June 2019 Morning Shift)
(i) Marks obtained by students in overall subjects
(ii) Level of realization of instructional objectives
(iii) Time taken by the students to learn
(iv) Resources used by the teacher in teaching
(v) Regularity of students in class

Q 12. Which of the strategies in the list given below will be associated with direct learning? (26 June 2019 Morning Shift)
(i) Providing examples and explanation
(ii) Promoting inquiry
(iii) Focussing on concepts
(iv) Giving review and recapitulation
(v) Offering practice and feedback
(vi) Problem raising and problem solving

Q 13. Which of the learner characteristics will influence his/her perspective in a course of study? (26 June 2019 Morning Shift)
(i) Learner’s commitment
(ii) Parents interest in the learner
(iii) Prior knowledge of the learner
(iv) Skill of the learner in the concerned area
(v) Family size of the learner
(vi) Socio-economic background of the family to which the learner belongs

Q 14. From the list given below identify those questions which are called process rather than content based questions? (26 June 2019 Morning Shift)
(i) Convergent questions
(ii) Divergent questions
(iii) Fact based questions
(iv) Concept based questions
(v) Open questions
(vi) Closed questions

Q 15. Which of the following is an example of maximum performance test? (26 June 2019 Morning Shift)
(1) Personality tests
(2) Projective personality tests
(3) Aptitude tests
(4) Interest and attitude scales

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