Hyper Street Fighter 2++ [Arcade] - play as WW Balrog

Описание к видео Hyper Street Fighter 2++ [Arcade] - play as WW Balrog

This is a play-through using World Warrior Balrog in an alternate Arcade version of Hyper Street Fighter 2. Read on below for more information...

This is an alternative version of the Arcade game Hyper Street Fighter 2 which allows the player to select the bosses (Balrog, Vega, Sagat & M.Bison) in 'NORMAL' mode, which is of course the World Warrior versions of them.

In the regular version of the game, the bosses cannot be selected in 'NORMAL' mode (they didn't exist in the game's data anyway).

The creator has made a very accurate version of Balrog from The World Warrior with all his trademark hard-hitting basic moves. What is impressive is that WW Balrog didn't exist in this game in the first place, so he literally had to create the data (such as hit properties, animation timings, etc.) from scratch using the game's existing resources. Anyway, here is the additional information on Balrog based on my experience:

===== About HSF2++ WW Balrog =====

---- Staying true to the original World Warrior version, his standing uppercut is his [HP] and his standing straight punch is his [MP]. In CE and beyond, this was switched the other way round.

---- He has the headslam throw. Original WW Balrog did not have this.

---- His Turn Punch is exactly like the WW Balrog / CPU Balrog one where he stays completely still in one spot and then punches.

---- When he performs the Turn Punch, there is no sound effect.

---- He is able to perform the crouching Light Punch in a rapid manner, just like the CPU Balrog in SF2:WW was able to. (it hits as a Medium Punch)

---- He has the slow-get-up when rising from a crouch (when you press Down to crouch, and release it into neutral). Only the WW of Balrog has this behavior.

---- WW Balrog is the only WW boss with specific close-up basics.

---- He has the WW portrait images on the character select screen, versus screen, winning/losing screen and continue screen.

---- He has the WW Balrog icon under his lifebar in-fight, but the background of the icon is transparent. The reason for this may be because the original WW boss icons appeared in SF2:WW with transparent backgrounds in the first place (the icons appear on the map after you have defeated all the regular fighters remember), which means that the icon data may have been carried over in it's original state.

---- His lifebar icon is reversed the other way round for some reason.

---- He has the HSF2-default alternative colour palette, used when mirror matches occur when the opponent Bison is of the default colour.

---- Unlike in SF2++, his dashing punch special moves are charge moves and they need to be charged (unfortunately). This means that the player is not able to do the continuous dash punches that CPU SF2:WW Balrog was famous for.

---- This is version (20170619) of it.


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