Raidlight Arc of Attrition 2020 - Race Video

Описание к видео Raidlight Arc of Attrition 2020 - Race Video

Some see winter weekends as a great excuse to retreat indoors and enjoy chilling out in front of the fire. Others, well others see one particular winter weekend each year as an excuse to get outside and battle against whatever the Cornish weather can throw at them, whilst running a very long way along the Cornish Coastline!

For those that took part in the Raidlight arc of attrition and Arc 50 this weekend, 2020 was predominantly a battle against the mud! And Mudcrew sure know how to do mud! Friday brought wet conditions and those taking on the 100 mile race got a rather soggy introduction to good old Cornish mizzle! Saturday dawned and with it brought welcomed sunshine as the 50 mile runners joined in on the “fun”.

A huge congratulations to all those who stepped up to the start line of both races, we hope you’re resting well. Whilst formulating the stories you’ll tell your work colleagues tomorrow when asked “so how was your weekend?”, we thought we’d offer up a little re-cap of the weekend as it unfolded.

Race Information:

RaidLight| MudCrew | Open Tracking | Omega Medical #arcofattrition2020 #trailrunning #ultrarunning #cornwall #mudcrew #raidlight #notimeforcompromise


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