【優質生活】如何養成這【24個早晨的好習慣】讓你擁有美好的一天!【24Good Morning Habits】 For a Great Day !

Описание к видео 【優質生活】如何養成這【24個早晨的好習慣】讓你擁有美好的一天!【24Good Morning Habits】 For a Great Day !

24 Good Morning Habits
For a Great Day !
Morning is the foundation of your day! The key to a great day is to approach it with a plan: know what you want to get out of it, and go for it with all you've got. If you practice some of these helpful habits, then good things will come your way.
**你好!我是 Angela(安吉拉)我是虔誠的基督徒!我愛耶穌!我愛生活,我愛狗狗,我愛學習。 我了解美國加州房地產(我是有執照專業房地產經紀) 我總是感恩!感謝現今網路發達,讓我可以與你分享生活中的吃喝玩樂、酸甜苦辣!還有分享美國房地產的買賣知識喔! 我誠摯的邀請你訂閱、加入會員和分享我的 “安吉拉愛生活“ 頻道!我們ㄧ起分享、ㄧ起學習、ㄧ起成長、ㄧ起愛生活!謝謝你!主耶穌祝福你!
**Hi! I am Angela, I am a Jesus follower, I love Jesus! I love life, I love dogs, I love to learn things, I know about the real estate of California very well! ( I am a licensed realtor ) and I am always grateful! Thank God! Thanks to the development of the internet today, so I can share with you all the good things of life!
*Welcome you subscribe and join my channel " Angela's I-Life 安吉拉愛生活 " Let's share together! learn together, grow together, love our life together! Thank you! God Bless You!

#AngelasMorningRoutine #goodhabits #早起


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