The "Italian" CITY + How to Ask for DIRECTIONS

Описание к видео The "Italian" CITY + How to Ask for DIRECTIONS

Today's lesson is to teach you some essential terminology in Italian around the city and how to ask for directions.

In the first part, I show you the most important words that you need when you walk around a city, like for example the city centre, the station, the hospital, the museum and so on.

However if you're just interested in knowing how to ask for directions then you can jump straight to the second part of this lesson by clicking the following time stamp:

6:46 - how to ask for directions in Italian

Below you can find all the words that I mention in the video along with their article and their gender (m. = masculine / f. = feminine):

1. la citta' / le citta' (f.) = city
2. il paese / i paesi (m) = village
3. il centro (m) = city centre
4. la piazza / le piazze (f.) = square
5. il municipio / i municipi (m.) = town hall
6. il palazzo / i palazzi (m.) = building
7. la villa / le ville (f.) = house
8. la strada / le strade (f) = street
9. il marciapiede / i marciapiedi (m.) = pavement/footpath
10. il semaforo / i semafori (m.) = traffic light
11. la rotonda / le rotonde (f.) = roundabout
12. il ponte / i ponti (m.) = bridge
13. la scuola / le scuole (f.) = school
14. l'universita’ / le universita' (f.) = university
15. l'ospedale / gli ospedali (m.) = hospital
16. la farmacia / le farmacie (f.) = chemist's
17. la chiesa / le chiese (f.) = church
18. il duomo / i duomi (m.) = most important church in a city
19. la cattedrale / le cattedrali (f.) = cathedral
20. il ristorante / i ristoranti (m.) = restaurant
21. la pizzeria / le pizzerie (f.)
22. il bar / i bar (m.) = coffee shop
23. il negozio / i negozi (m.) = shop
24. il supermercato / i supermercati (m.) = supermarket
25. il centro commerciale / i centri commerciali (m.) = shopping centre
26. la banca / le banche (f.) = bank
27. il museo / i musei (m.) = museum
28. l'albergo / gli alberghi (m.) = hotel
29. l'hotel / gli hotel (m.) = hotel
30. la stazione / le stazioni (f.) = station
31. l'aereoporto / gli areoporti (m.) = airport
32. il porto / i porti (m.) = port
33. il teatro / i teatri (m.) = theatre
34. il cinema / i cinama (m.) = cinema
35. la palestra / le palestre (f.) = gym
36. la piscina / le piscine (f.) = swimming pool
37. lo stadio / gli stadi (m.) = stadium
38. la spiaggia / le spiagge (f.) = beach
39. il parco / i parchi (m.) = park
40. il tribunale (m.) = court
41. la polizia (f.) = police station

Well done! you've learn a lot of new words today :)


If you're not familiar with the WORD GENDER in Italian, you can check out this lesson:    • GENDER in ITALIAN: a simple GUIDE to ...  

And in this other video you can find more about the articles and 7 different ways of saying "the" in Italian:    • The DEFINITE ARTICLES: 7 ways to say ...  

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