Guard your thoughts, Change Your Life FOREVER

Описание к видео Guard your thoughts, Change Your Life FOREVER

This video is part of a series about your thoughts and imagination and is being uploaded in parts, including examples for practical application of these ideas to help you replace wrong thoughts and achieve victory in every area of your life. Every thought as a seed that contains a possibility. A thought comes into your mind, it is a seed…. It can be from your own mind, it can be from another source! But right here you have the choice to either take that seed and water it and nurture it or cast it down, replace it with something else. I give life to that seed by continuing to think about it, I’m allowing it to grow and take shape in my mind’e eye. A negative thought that is watered grows into pictures of gloom and defeat! FAILURE! And this is why the mind is the battlefield. It is a constant struggle to take very thought captive and if we don’t, the result can be catestrophic! We must focus on the unseen, realizing that everything starts in the spiritual world, including our thoughts.
#thoughts #mindfulness #battlefieldofthemind #guardyourthoughts


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