Xenogears - Battle Against Deus (Final Boss, Part 1)

Описание к видео Xenogears - Battle Against Deus (Final Boss, Part 1)

This is it, the final battle against the physical manifestation of God, known as Deus. It's time to take Deus out to free the Wave Existence...as well as save Elly. There's no need to really explain what's going on here, everything you need to know was explained in the other videos.


There are two ways to take on this thing on. You can rush it head on (like I did) without disabling any of its support orbs first. I DO NOT recommend this UNLESS you are well prepared like I was. The other method is to take out 1 or more orbs to disable moves Deus will use and cut down on his HP before even fighting him. I opted not to due to wanting to make this fight faster. It would tack on 10 more minutes to take out all the orbs.


Fei: LV74 - Hero Costume, Golden Hood, Speed Shoes
GNRS50, GNRS50, Frame HP30
Citan: LV73 - Yamane Sword - Manly Mantle, Golden Hood, Speed Shoes
Kijin Sword - Frame HP30, GNRS50, Ether Ar+3
Bart: LV71 - Wonder Whip - Golden Vest, Golden Hood, Speed Shoes
Sonic GWhip - GNRS20, Frame HP30, DeathBlower1


So the game throws advice at you last second on how you should approach this. Unless you're heavily prepared, you're not going to be able to take out all the support orbs AND Deus with the same group. So if you decked out all your Gears with the latest good stuff, you can easily switch out your main team to decimate all the orbs and THEN go for Deus with your main party. If not, you're in trouble.

If you took out all the support orbs, Deus will lose 4 moves that he likes to spam together (usually two at once), and they're 4 pretty annoying moves. Get rid of them and the fight is significantly easier. If you take out all 4 his HP will go from 75k down to 40k as well. So make the choice based on what you think you can do.

If you didn't take out the orbs, Deus will open with 2 or more of the orbs moves. After this, proceed to Booster if you need to (unless you got Speed Shoes, you won't need to then!) and get everyones Battle LV up to do some massive attacks. You know the drill by now. With Xenogears, just get to Battle LV 3, use one more attakc, and you're instantly in Infinity Mode and can spam your powerful Deathblows. Equipping a Deathblower Gear item on anyone that isn't Fei will also be extremely handy in doing a quick T+X Deathblow at Battle LV1 for massive damage.

That's about it, watch out for his Ultimate Break attack, it hits VERY hard, to the point where you'll probably have to Frame HP to survive. Deus will counterattack your attacks with two small hits from his angel arm things when his HP hits 40k mark (he'll start the fight out like this if you took out all orbs). Really annoying, but you should be fine with it.



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