After 10 days of vipassana - our experience // WorldWide W4nderers Travel Blog

Описание к видео After 10 days of vipassana - our experience // WorldWide W4nderers Travel Blog

On the 100th day of our journey we entered Dhamma Tarai Centre next to Birganj, to join a 10 days vipassana meditation course. We had to obey strict rules, but in the end we feel that every moment was worth it. Find out how we felt during these 10 days, and how it effected us in a positive way.

Az utazásunk 100. napján beléptünk a birganji Dhamma Tarai Centerbe, hogy részt vegyünk egy 10 napos vipassana meditációs tanfolyamon. Rengeteg szigorú szabályt be kellett tartanunk, de a végére úgy érezzük, hogy minden pillanat megérte. A videóban megtudhatod, hogyan éltük meg ezt a 10 napot, és mivel gazdagodtunk a végére.


We are a group of 4 friends from Budapest, Hungary. On September 24th, 2019 we left behind our everyday lives to fulfill our dream of travelling. Our backpacking journey is going to be 10 months long and we will explore India, Nepal and Southeast Asia. We want to share the wonders of travelling with likeminded people and hopefully we can inspire others to do as we did.


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Logo and design by: Aurél Lázár
  / lazaraureldesign  

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