Описание к видео LIRA city DRIVE

Lira is a city in the Northern Region of Uganda. It is the main municipal, administrative, and commercial centre of Lira District.

Distance between Kampala () and Lira (Lira) (Uganda)
Driving Distance: 342.49 km , Estimated Duration: 4 hours 34 minutes if average speed speed is 75km/hr. Different Units: 342.49 km, 212.82 mi, 184.93 nmi. Flight or air distance: 216.82 km / 134.73 miles / 117 nautical miles.

Lango language is spoken mostly in the Central, Apac and Lira districts, north of Lake Kyoga and is taught in primary schools.

Lira District which was formed in 1974 from the then Lango District is occupied by the Lango ethnic group with its sister districts Apac , Oyam, Otuke, Alebtong, Amolatar, Kole and Dokolo also mainly occupied by the Lango ethnic group.


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