Tech Education in Kenya: CEO Snehar Shah Presents Moringa School Tech Training Institution

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Snehar Shah, CEO at Moringa School, a multi-disciplinary learning accelerator committed to closing the skills gap in Kenya and Africa’s job markets by delivering transformative tech-based learning to high-potential jobseekers, presents the tech training institution.

"Moringa School was started back in 2015 by a young American lady called Audrey Cheng. She came to Kenya and realized that there was a gap in tech talent and that is why she started the tech training school. She did that using a bootcamp model. We set up our own courses and developed a curriculum that has evolved over time. We got some external funding coming in just before COVID and the company grew to a level which was beyond our founder’s skills, so I was brought in to basically take Moringa School to the next level. I actually joined the business at the end of 2021, so just after COVID. I have been focusing on building the foundations that were laid by the founder. I have focused on the scale-up of the business. One strategic pivot that we made was developing our own content but that was costly, so we developed a partnership with a leading bootcamp in the US called Flatiron School. Since I joined, we have started using their curriculum using our African tutors to deliver the training. The beauty is that our Kenyan and African students get the same level of training as students say in New York, or in the US. The difference is in the US, they would pay something like $18,000 for that course, whereas in Africa we have made it much more affordable where students pay less than 10% of that fee, at around $1,500. So that is great value for money. That is really how Moringa School got started. Our vision is to basically create opportunities for young Africans regardless of their background. We are providing tech training and leveraging tech platforms to provide training in software development, data science, and we are now diversifying in other areas of tech, including cybersecurity, which is becoming very important. And of course, keeping up with the latest evolutions in AI (artificial intelligence) as well. Even though we are calling it a school, Moringa is actually a vocational tech training institution. We are providing an alternative for tech students attending university. As you know, university courses can take three to four years and if somebody wants to work in tech, then you no longer need to pursue a university degree or a diploma. Students can come and train straight away after high school at Moringa School and within five months we provide them the relevant market-aligned skills, but also help them to get placed into jobs. We are a very mission driven organization. To date we have trained around 7,000 students and we have a 75% plus job placement rate", says Snehar Shah.

#MoringaSchool #techtraining #techeducation


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