How To Be A Productivity Ninja Summary in English

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FREE book summary of How To Be A Productivity Ninja by Graham Allcott
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There is more than one way to be productive. The number of ways to bring your best self to the office and beyond is huge! Whether it's timers, apps, or programs, there are many ways to help you reach a state of productivity. The truth is also that no one is a superhero; ninjas exist. This means that if you do not put in the work to be productive, it will not happen. Ninjas are people known to have elite skills and a focused mindset. It is up to you to put in the work to become a productivity ninja.Productivity — it's about time management, right? We can all be more productive, so the conventional wisdom goes. But what if it's not about time? What if productivity is actually about attention management, not time management? Productivity ninjas know that.
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