The Incredible Story of the Artefact I found in this hole! Mudlarking the Thames with Nicola White

Описание к видео The Incredible Story of the Artefact I found in this hole! Mudlarking the Thames with Nicola White

Sometimes when you are wandering along the mud at low tide looking left and right - you see something which makes your heart leap. This is what happened when I saw something gleaming in the sunlight! It was a tense moment taking it out of the mud. Would it be whole?!!

When I did get it out of the mud and then researched it. It took me on a wonderful and unexpected journey to the first proper stadium of Arsenal football team back in the 19th century!

If you would like to try mudlarking dont forget that you do need a permit and you can find all the details here:-

Thank you for watching. You can follow me on twitter and instagram for more stories and finds @tidelineart


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