Lie derivative of a vector field (flow and pushforward)

Описание к видео Lie derivative of a vector field (flow and pushforward)

Part 2:    • Видео  

In this video I show you how you can derive the Lie derivative of a vector field. First, we look at a vector field on a manifold and develop the notion of an integral curve followed by the flow of the vector field. We can then move another vector along that flow, moving it to a different tangent space. To be able to compare tangent spaces we need the induced map, or pushforward. Using the pushforward we are finalle able to relate vectors in different tangent spaces and we can find an expression for the Lie derivative.

The program you see my using is called "Write" and I greatly recommend it. Check out Write at

The font used in the video is called Inconsolata by Raph Levien. It's a beautiful monospaced font and if you do any programming at all and are looking for a different font style for your editor you might want to check out his website:


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