What To Feed A Tegu! ( complete diet guide )

Описание к видео What To Feed A Tegu! ( complete diet guide )

This is a complete Tegu diet video! From crickets to fruit to large prey, I talk about everything Tegus can eat and how its done! Tegus are omnivores which means they can eat plant matter (veggies and fruit) as well as meat! Tegus have large appetites, so feeding them is always easy to do! The bulk of a Tegu's diet will consist of whole prey, which is mice and rats mainly. Fruits and veggies will occupy a small percentage of a Tegus diet but still should be offered. Tegus can also eat meat you can find at your local grocery store, if you aren't sure please look at a food list or video before feeding. Remember that every Tegu is different and they might not always like or eat the same foods as others.

In this Tegu video we will cover topics like feeding frequency and amount at each sitting. Also how and which powders ( calcium & multivitamins ) to give Tegus!


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