Saved by Sirens [F4A] [Injured Listener] [Fantasy] Asmr Roleplay

Описание к видео Saved by Sirens [F4A] [Injured Listener] [Fantasy] Asmr Roleplay

It was your first time sailing your family’s boat by yourself. You were pretty confident; you had saltwater in your blood. At least, that’s what your parents said. Or, used to say. It was a small voyage, a short three day trip to pick up some rare minerals to trade in the market. Your father was with you the whole time, showing you the ropes. You had most of it under control. You’d been training on the boat since you were a little kid. Still, knowing he was there to help made you feel safe. That, and knowing that, no matter how soaked with sea spray, or how cold you were, your mother would always be waiting at home with warm soup and dry clothes. That, also, was the level of safety and comfort you enjoyed.
It was a special feeling. The kind of feeling you would miss.
The three days went quickly. You laughed with your father, enjoyed sailing the ship, and picked up your cargo with no problems.
As you sailed home, however, a large storm hit. You were concerned. It was out of your comfort zone, and as the waves grew bigger and the rain grew harsher, you grew afraid. Your father took the wheel at one point, insisting that as long as you worked together there was nothing to fear.
He was wrong.
You survived the storm as a team, sure. You worked together and harbored the boat safely. But the dark storm clouds and thick rain hid the shore’s secret; the village you grew up in, your home, your mother… it was gone.
You had grown up hearing about the waring tribes of the north. You’d always heard your parents and their friends whisper about it when they thought you weren’t listening. The Northern Tribes had been your childhood boogyman; merely a story you told to your friends to scare them.
You had to grow up at some point.
Today you grew up completely, and learned that the boogyman was real.
The northern tribes had taken control of the shoreline and the harbor. They’d killed everyone. Your father and you saw their bodies from the dock. They, your family, your friends, your neighbors, stacked in large piles to be burnt when the rain stopped.
“What… happened…” Your father whispered, his heart breaking with every word.
He never got an answer. But you knew. War had come to your home.
It didn’t take long for the warriors to notice you. Your father shook off his grief and grabbed your hand, running for your boat. But it was too late.
An arrow pierced your father’s heart. You watched it, not really seeing it. You felt as if you’d been shot as well.
Your father pushed you off the dock with his final moment of strength. You saw the light go from his eyes as you fell back into the cold water. You hit it hard, knocking the wind out of you. The waves tossed and threw you, but your mind didn’t even consider fighting. Through the water you could see your father crumple and die on the dock he’d walked on all his life.
The waves released you for a moment and you sucked in the air above the water. You were under the dock; the warriors didn’t see you. But you saw them. You saw them burn your ship and throw your father into the sea. You swam to him underwater, as quietly as you could. You swam down with his body, resting him gently on the ocean floor. That’s when you let the water out of your lungs in one underwater scream.
You’d watching everything you loved being swallowed by war.
You were ready to follow your father and be swallowed by the sea.
But the sea had other plans.

Written by: meeee I’m rly proud of this one’s description at least lol
Voiced by: meeeeee I wish I was a siren low-key.

Saved by Sirens [F4A] [Asmr Roleplay] [F4A] [Non-human listener] [Injured Listener] [Wounded Listener] [Caring VA Injured Listener] [Helping You Asmr] [Caring for your wounds Asmr Roleplay] [Siren ASMR rp] [Siren speaker asmr] [fantasy asmr roleplay] [fairy fantasy asmr roleplay] [injured fantasy asmr roleplay] [injured fairy asmr roleplay] [mermaid asmr]


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