[PTN BFL DZ S14] Apostle of Stardust 289k (EU | Bianca buff, -30% bHP)

Описание к видео [PTN BFL DZ S14] Apostle of Stardust 289k (EU | Bianca buff, -30% bHP)

They forgot to put magic res on the mobs. Guess who's great at nuking them.

No max score allowed though, because of... you know it, shields . Again . We have to spend 1 frame removing them, then 1 frame doing the actual damage, for both waves 1 and 2. Same story as Julien/Rebel last season, but at least only the elites are shielded this time.

I really hate this mechanic. Shields heavily dictate which comp you should be using (Weakspot being by far the best at handling them), as well as the timings on your ults/ECBs, leaving very little room for player agency.

Detailed route with timings in the comments.

Music: The Tragic Prince - Michiru Yamane (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night OST)


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