“泰国” 五大【吉祥神兽 :白象 ;金翅鸟 ;纳迦龙 ;洪 ;狮】地位尊崇 ;祥瑞灵验 ; 5 【Auspicious Animals】 in "THAILAND"

Описание к видео “泰国” 五大【吉祥神兽 :白象 ;金翅鸟 ;纳迦龙 ;洪 ;狮】地位尊崇 ;祥瑞灵验 ; 5 【Auspicious Animals】 in "THAILAND"

“泰国”人崇尚“佛教” ;对于神话传说中的【吉祥神兽】也非常的敬畏
* 白象
* 金翅鸟
* 纳迦龙
* 洪
* 狮
举凡 :王室舟车 ;庙宇建筑 ;民族服饰 ;日用器物及语言文化等。。。
则多符合“泰国”人 ~ 趋吉避凶 ;纳福镇煞的【吉祥寓意】

"Thai" people worship "Buddhism" ; they are also in awe of the "Auspicious Animals" in myths and legends
In the history of "Thailand", these five 【Auspicious Animals】have become the most popular {spirits}
* Elephant
* Garuda
* Naga
* Hong / Hamsa
* Singh / Singha
Examples include : royal boats ; temple buildings ; national costumes ; daily utensils ; language and culture ; etc. . .
The pattern traces or symbolic meanings of the 【Auspicious Animals】can be found
The content and meaning of these 【Auspicious Animals】patterns
It is more in line with the "Thai" people ~ seeking good fortune and avoiding evil ; and getting lucky and restraining evil
That. . . What is the meaning or legend of these 【Auspicious Animals】?
Learn and share together. . .


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