Day 224 FitPro Hawaii Workout - Cossack, Windmill, Overhead Squat Mobility Work - December 24, 2020

Описание к видео Day 224 FitPro Hawaii Workout - Cossack, Windmill, Overhead Squat Mobility Work - December 24, 2020

Why this?
These are the exercises that restore me. They push me out of the “Sagittal Corridor” which strengthens and connects these muscles to prime movers.
The slow pull up is the “Call to Muster” that I do regardless of what I’m doing. It is a systemic effort that prepares the back to support whatever the demand is.
The Cossack Squat will make damaged and imbalanced joints to restore themselves. If you can squat and deadlift heavy, but this is difficult, then the Cossack Squat will prevent/solve many problems.
The Windmill to Overhead Squat keeps your body young. I try to support the load on the torso and core. One of the best stretches for the lower back and hips.
The L-sit Pull Up from dead hang makes me durable. Any small improvements show up big on the Kettlebell work.

Merry Christmas 🎄

Bill Maeda
Age: 52
Height: 183 cm/6’0”
Weight: 86 kg/190 lbs.

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  / fitprohawaii  

The fitprohawaii channel and its videos are not meant to be instructional or “how to”. It’s just a log of all the training I do in a day, and some of it can be considered dangerous.

You don’t know me well enough for me to deserve your trust, but please accept my word to you and the other viewers that I have never used TRT (testosterone replacement therapy), PEDs (performance enhancing drugs) SARMs or GH past or present. I’m a stage 3C cancer survivor, and I have no interest in those substances or their effects.

I started this vlog on May 13, 2020 as a goof to keep my clients motivated. It grew by accident, and there are now a lot of people who have placed a lot of trust in my word and my practices. I would never betray that. I welcome questions and comments, and thank you for watching.

That being said...welcome to my channel! My name is Bill Maeda, and I’m a husband, a father, and a personal trainer living and loving life in Honolulu, Hawaii. I feel honored to have you visit my channel and I consider you a friend, so enjoy the videos and please leave comments.
Aloha 🤙Bill

Contact me:
https://[email protected]

I use Prüvit exogenous ketones twice a day:

I use Threragun G3 Pro every day:


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