Battle Cats: New Testament Courier strategy & explanation

Описание к видео Battle Cats: New Testament Courier strategy & explanation

another one bites the dust…maybe

most importantly, my courier here is level 50 and bahamut is 40. other cats EXCEPT CURLING are devolved to better fit the time where someone would realistically be playing this level (pre ul, so level 30 legends and level 40 units generally). i have what would be an attack combo present to more accurately emulate the boost necessary.

so whats with my old nemesis of a level? well, the general consensus for a long time has been 2 cycle bahamut, and courier was just seen as a yulala replacement to curb the blogger spam. but i had a feeling that there was more to courier here, given how an unbuffed sleipnir doesnt actually hit that hard, and courier is a decent tank in that regard. so heres this, something that i believe is a more consistent way to beat the level, and so that the intermediate players no longer have to suffer the inconsistent bahamut cycling that i had to put up with. im very confident this level is possible richless like this, but i didnt do that

beginning timings are as follows
maglev immediately
courier and curling at 2800 (with rich)
every following courier will get through clionels ld because of bio bone, if sent out instantly
additionally, by default, courier can sneak through clionels ld when clionel is beginning her attack animation and is at the enemy base

the way enemies spawn from their base, sleipnir cant hit courier but can be hit by couriers ld. sleipnir should be kbed right after curling dies, such that courier is untouched. if not, maybe use zamboney or level up curling cat (cause it might be necessary with courier at 40). next, whittle down sleipnir and bring in more couriers and maglev in accordance with clionels animation. he should be weak enough to die in one bahamut hit. lure and kill gory with bahamut, clear the bloggers with cat cannon, kill sleipnir, and then comes the toughest part (or most inconsistent.) clionel should be weak enough to the point where a single bahamut hit will kb her. at this point, there will likely be bloggers in the way, so they need to be dealt with or bahamut dies. i used hyper mr, but crazed cow could work too, at the expense of maglev’s damage.

try to sneak in a courier at this point too, because you can have bahamut hit sleipnir for an easy kb, if no bloggers are in the way. if not make absolutely sure the second sleipnir is kbed once before the gory duo comes in. by the time sleipnir is closing in on your base, bahamut should be off cooldown for an easy kill on him and clionel, should sleipnir be at half hp. anyways, draw in the gory duo, then kill them with courier and ramen. my artist is level 46, so a level 32 ramen should suffice. after fire the cat cannon and spawn bahamut. clionel has to die here or the gory trio will kill you, so hopefully bahamut has been getting his hits in.

for cleanup, bahamut should get some hits off on the gorys. if one dies early, youre golden. chip sleipnir, then kill the next gory trio with bahamut. this should be enough, then, to destroy the base, and youre home free.

as for no plan a, since you dont have a unit cap of 5, you can just cheese the base with courier spam plus bio bone and riceball.

courier 50
bahamut 40
artist 46 (≈ramen 32 without talents)
curling 30
express 49 (≈maglev 32)
hyper mr 30

below here is the explanation for why i believe level 40 courier and 30 bahamut would work. keep in mind this is only in theory, so if someone could test it, that would be a great help to all those people who want a decent anti angel cat.

courier at 50 can tank out sleipnir enough to deliver a second hit if uninterrupted. also, he has 2.2k more damage per hit (but this would be a difference of about 1.2k with the attack combo in effect) for arguments sake, courier at 40 with 10% more attack vs courier at 50

courier at 50 takes 17 hits to kb sleipnir, and 24 hits to bring sleipnir low enough for level 40 bahamut to kill him with his first hit

courier at 40 with combo takes 19 hits to kb sleipnir, and 27 to bring sleipnir low enough for level 30 bahamut with combo to kill with his first hit

so there is a moderate difference, HOWEVER, the only thing courier really has to do for this strategy to work is bring sleipnir down to half hp. this is a guarantee for the first, and they can likely still do enough damage for a quick bahamut kill. since there is such a drastic lure for the second sleipnir, all courier has to do is halve his hp too so bahamut has a kill all lined up (which is even easier with maglev, that i didnt use for killing the most important sleipnirs.) combo bahamut at 30 is only marginally weaker than 40 bahamut, so there shouldnt be much of a difference in when clionel dies (in total, it shouldnt take more than 2 bahamut hits to kill clionel), so it all looks like it should work. of course, theory and testing are very different, so id have to see it done to believe it.


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