"Greater Peace of Mind" is

Описание к видео "Greater Peace of Mind" is

Studying Sha’ar HaBitachon, Rabbeinu Bachaya's "Gate of Trust" ~ the Timeless Torah Tome that can teach US ALL How to Conquer Anxiety and Live with Tranquility!

This segment about Trust Differences features an in-depth analysis of the second of seven pragmatic Trust Distinctions.

Episode Two of the Fifth Chapter, entitled "GREATER PEACE OF MIND" continues to illustrate the difference between people possessing Bitachon and those who don’t.

Rabbeinu Bachaya will clearly demonstrate how those who mindfully place their Trusts in G-d enjoy a vastly enhanced quality of Life; uniquely achieved by successfully nurturing real Bitachon in their hearts.

Investing in this quantum attitudinal shift successfully yields inner peace, bringing enormous differences in real time living experiences. Gone forever are natural worries. Fears and frustrations are replaced by a profound calmness, joy, and perpetual good cheer!

In take two of this seven-headed discovery, the next level of difference brought about by Bitachon in Hashem lucidly spelled out.

This second segment of the Fifth Chapter of "Sha'ar HaBitachon" comprises the 137th consecutive video about nurturing Trust in G-d and learning how to Conquer Anxiety. Forever!


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