72nd Current Strategy Forum: Day 2, part 2

Описание к видео 72nd Current Strategy Forum: Day 2, part 2

This video was recorded on June 14, 2023:

This year marks the 72nd annual Current Strategy Forum (CSF) at the Naval War College in Newport, hosted by the Secretary of the Navy. The first CSF was held on 9 May 1949 under the title “Round Table Talks.” This event offers an opportunity for the Nation’s public servants, scholars, and senior military officers to join the College faculty and students to discuss the future strategy of the United States. Over the years, the CSF has expanded to include a cross section of America’s civilian and military leadership to encourage a wide-ranging debate on national and international security. This year’s theme: "Preserving America’s Leadership Role."

At the core of the 2022 National Security Strategy (NSS) is the strategic imperative that the United States maintain its leadership role within the global system to advance America’s vital interests and set the world on a path to a brighter future. China, along with Russia, have clearly set out to replace the U.S in shaping the future world order. In the National Defense Strategy (NDS), Secretary Austin makes clear that an integrated approach is central to the Department of Defense’s strategy to preserving America’s leadership role in protecting the American people, promoting global security, defending our democratic values.

This year’s forum will seek to understand the relationship between U.S leadership on the world stage and American prosperity. We will also explore the nature and intent the Peoples Republic of China in its endeavor to replace the United States in the world arena and consider the Department of Defense’s integrated approach to deterring China and “other” international challengers.


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