ストーカーなシャバーニ Shabani of stalker gorilla

Описание к видео ストーカーなシャバーニ Shabani of stalker gorilla

Persistently chase Shabani the Nene.

(Shabani) place such overkill is the display of the order to maintain the order of the herd is a drawback, but it performs the role of the silver back.
Takes a while, such as a stage actor, is to make a facial expression, charm point
SHABANI ♂ 1996.10.20 APENHYURU park ~ TARONGA zoo

(ネネ) 重厚な雰囲気ですが、怒る時には怒り、優しい母の顔など色々な表情を見せてくれます。
(Nene) is a heavy atmosphere, but when you get angry anger, show us a variety of facial expressions such as a gentle mother's face.
NENE ♀ 1972 Wild.

(Ai) elusive is entertainment prodigies.
Gentle, attractive feminine gesture.
AI ♀
2003.2.27 Higashiyamazoo. mother NENE father Rickey

(キヨマサくん) 純粋培養育ちな伸び伸び坊ちゃまで天真爛漫、
(Kiyomasa) in pure grew up innocent, I think mother,
Charm point is interesting gesture
2012.11.1 Higashiyamazoo.  mother NENE father SHABANI

(アニーちゃん) 家族の助けもあり人工保育から群れ入りし現在3才に。芯の強い、健気で頑張り屋。とっても可愛い仕草がチャームポイント。
(Annie) help of family There is also a herd containing the current 3-year-old from an artificial nursery.
Heart is strong, brave girl. Very cute gesture charm point.
Annie .♀ mother AI father SHABAN
2013.6.2 Higashiyamazoo.  human rearing One year


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