シャバーニとアニー➁ Father and daughter of the gorilla

Описание к видео シャバーニとアニー➁ Father and daughter of the gorilla

アニーを見守り可愛がるシャバーニ。やさしい、とうちゃんでよかったね。12:15秒 虫を払うアニー。
Good father Shabani watch Annie.
12:15 Annie to avoid by hand insects.

Gentle father SHABANI.
Higashiyama zoo The gorilla family

(Shabani) place such overkill is the display of the order to maintain the order of the herd is a drawback, but it performs the role of the silver back.
Takes a while, such as a stage actor, is to make a facial expression, charm point
SHABANI ♂ 1996.10.20 APENHYURU park ~ TARONGA zoo

(ネネ) 重厚な雰囲気ですが、怒る時には怒り、優しい母の顔など色々な表情を見せてくれます。
(Nene) is a heavy atmosphere, but when you get angry anger, show us a variety of facial expressions such as a gentle mother's face.
NENE ♀ 1972 Wild.

(Ai) elusive is entertainment prodigies.
Gentle, attractive feminine gesture.
AI ♀
2003.2.27 Higashiyamazoo. mother NENE father Rickey

(キヨマサくん) 純粋培養育ちな伸び伸び坊ちゃまで天真爛漫、
(Kiyomasa) in pure grew up innocent, I think mother,
Charm point is interesting gesture
2012.11.1 Higashiyamazoo.  mother NENE father SHABANI

(アニーちゃん) 家族の助けもあり人工保育から群れ入りし現在3才に。芯の強い、健気で頑張り屋。とっても可愛い仕草がチャームポイント。
(Annie) help of family There is also a herd containing the current 3-year-old from an artificial nursery.
Heart is strong, brave girl. Very cute gesture charm point.
Annie .♀ mother AI father SHABAN
2013.6.2 Higashiyamazoo.  human rearing One year


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