A Day At The Forge (Traditional Rich Ireland)

Описание к видео A Day At The Forge (Traditional Rich Ireland)

Therapeutic reminiscence for the aged.
Thoughtful remittance to the youth.

Beautifully filmed in County Galway.

This is an authentic record of the varied daily life of one of the last blacksmiths in Ireland.

It features work on the cartwheel, sheepcrook, and other implements in common use in the past.

Repair of household items.


A wonderful parade of horse drawn machines for haw mowing and turning, crop spraying and so on.

Country woman bring hens to the market in a pony and trap.

Asses and carts pass by, neighbors entertain in a get together at the forge, and the witty chat between the blacksmith is always good humored, effectively capturing the leisurely spirit of the time.

Traditional CEILI music and song, tin whistling and recitations.

John Malachy Raftery Poetry Website


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