Breaking Through Huge Confidence Blocks

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Beautiful Soul,
Today I am sharing a bit of my personal journey of going from being terrified of being seen (not wanting to graduate or have a wedding, dropping out of sports and anything where there was an audience) to creating videos, creating and running multiple businesses, leading retreats and workshops, creating courses, leading and teaching groups, and giving presentations... And recently, allowing myself to not only dance in public- but allow myself to be filmed for my dance instructors Instagram!

As I reflect on this journey I am also allowing myself to feel proud. Proud was my word of the year this year and I am still working on accessing that feeling- pausing to acknowledge my growth rather than glossing over it and going right to the next thing.

Do you allow yourself to feel proud? Do you stop, and pause and reflect on how far you have come?
If not, this is your friendly reminder to do that NOW!
Please take the time to really acknowlege how far you have come and for the amazing bright being you are!

💫 I share this message in hopes to help you check in with yourself to allow yourself to feel proud of yourself, and to acknowledge yourself. When you can be a safe space for yourself, when you can trust you have your own back, your confidence will grow immensely!

🌟 And if you are ready to level up and break through your own confidence blocks, please hop on a call with me for a complimentary Confidence Breakthrough Session!

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🌟Keep shining my friend, the world needs your light!

Take good care my friend!

xo Shell

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Big hugs friend! 🥰

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