Herbs to Treat SIBO: Ginger

Описание к видео Herbs to Treat SIBO: Ginger

Today I want to discuss the benefits of ginger root and why I use it in the majority of my herbal tinctures. Ginger root has various benefits that go beyond treating hydrogen dominant SIBO. Even though it's not specifically anti-microbial against the bugs that commonly cause hydrogen dominance, it still has many benefits.

I tend to use high doses of ginger root in methane dominant SIBO, depending on the presentation and the numbers on the page. Ginger root is potently carminative, so it can help with gas, bloating, motility, and abdominal pain. It can be an effective natural remedy to alleviate digestive issues across the board.

Ginger root is an excellent addition to any herbal tincture, especially for those dealing with digestive problems. Thank you for watching, and see you in the next video!


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