Four of Pentacles in 3 Minutes

Описание к видео Four of Pentacles in 3 Minutes

Four of Pentacles Upright: Security and being committed to pragmatic actions. Hanging on to what you have. Very organized around issues of money, security, a strong foundation. You may even be a little bit obsessed with money. Structure, safety. Being very invested in traditional methods of behavior and planning. Awareness of or concerns around the safety and security of your community. Budgets and financial plans.
Four of Pentacles Best Course of Action: Be measured and prudent in how you handle the practicalities of your life. Hang on to what you have. Be informed about what you have. Make a budget and stick to it. Balance the checkbook, organize the closet, make sure your mode of transportation is in good working order. It may be wise to be a little bit “selfish,” that approach may be appropriate at this time. Protect yourself or others through concrete actions like locking your doors, safe internet behavior, awareness of your surroundings. Don’t be scared, just be aware. Implement or continue traditional, well-proven modes of behavior.
Four of Pentacles Reversed: No longer playing it safe. Tossing things up in the air to see where they land. Not hanging on so tightly to what you have. Can indicate loss of material goods, either through a choice to be more giving or recklessness. Generosity. Financial problems or errors. Understanding that no matter how hard you hang on to something, you are never completely “safe,” the world can always throw a curve ball.
Four of Pentacles Reversed Best Course: Be more generous. Open up your process to let in new, less traditional ideas. Stop playing it so safe. Relax your grip on things. Be prepared for an unexpected financial curve ball or expense. Be more creative in how to manage the things in your life.


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