大きな被害を受けた いわき市 [震災3日目]

Описание к видео 大きな被害を受けた いわき市 [震災3日目]

Iwaki city suffering great damage (Third day after earthquake)
The Japanese text is followed by an English translation.
いわき市南部の海岸付近、小名浜港の南西5kmほど離れた小浜町、その海に隣接する高台では、畑の脇を通るアスファルトの道路も、大きな亀裂が走っている。付近の墓地では、墓石のほとんどが倒れていた。(いわき市小浜町台地区: 午前11時ごろ)
ところ変わって、小名浜港付近(午後1時ごろ)、市場の商店や食堂はまるで廃墟のような様相を呈し、海の方に目を移すと、大きな船が何隻も埠頭(ふとう)に乗り上げている。港から、県道156号線を通り、南東方面に進むと、道沿いには、さまざまながれきが散在し、住宅地の細い路地を、クルーザーや小型漁船がふさいでいた。大きなトラックまで流された形跡がある。(小名浜下神白地区: 午後1時すぎ)

[映像中に登場するレポーターは、福島テレビ 杉舩竜也 記者、同じく 坂井有生アナウンサー]

Footage: Capture of the situation at Iwaki city, Fukushima prefecture suffering damages from the tsunami. (March 13th)
Near the coast of southern Iwaki city, about 5km southwest from the port of Onahama in Obama town on the plateau next to the sea, a giant crack runs through the asphalt road laid down beside the fields.
In a cemetery nearby, most of the gravestones have collapsed. (Daichi ward, Obama town, Iwaki city at around 11 a.m.) From this plateau, looking out onto Joban Joint Power Co., Ltd.'s Nakoso Power Plant and looking down onto the coastal area of neighboring Iwama town, one can get a full view of the devastating situation, a town in a state of destruction by the tsunami.
The embankment is destroyed, houses turned into debris, remains of an assembly hall that was swept away by waves by its roots... Despite the lack of recovery in the area's vital utilities, rescue operations by police officers and firemen continued. (Past noon)
Meanwhile, near Onahama port, (Around 1 p.m.) shops and restaurants at the marketplace had turned to ruins.
Looking over to the sea, several large ships had run aground onto the wharf. Following prefectural road 156 from the port in a south eastern direction, various debris were scattered along the road and cruisers or small fishing boats were blocking the small alleyway of a residential area. Evidence proved that even a large truck had been swept away. (Onahamashimokajiro area, past 1 p.m.)
In the other direction, to the direction of Tastumi town to the west side of the port, a number of wreckage from container vessels, cars and large trucks were left behind.
Even the road in front of Onahama harbor joint government office had accumulated dry mud and a cloud of dust was raised when cars drove by.
Upon visiting the city's symbolic facility "Aquamarine Fukushima" (Aquarium), washed away cars were abandoned near the gate and dry mud covered the entire zone. (Before 3 p.m.)

The reporters appearing in the footage are Tatsuya Sugifune and Yuki Sakai, from Fukushima Television

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