NHS Workforce: Leaders Debate Five: Mental Wellbeing

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Protecting the Mental Health of NHS staff is increasingly seen as a huge contributing factor to NHS workforce sustainability and efficiency, however there is a long way to go. In the latest NHS staff survey 37% of respondents said that they find their work emotionally exhausting, 32% said they did not have enough energy for their family and friend during leisure time, and 40% said that their work frustrates them.

These numbers have a direct effect on recruitment and retention, as well as the efficiency of staff whilst they are on shift which could in turn affect patient experience and safety. NHS trusts are exploring the different ways they can protect their staff from stress and burnout.


- Aileen Jackson, Head of Mental Health, Health Innovation Network

- Joan Bowen, Head of Staff and Wellbeing, Guys and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

- Emma Wheatley, Consultant in Intensive Care and Anaesthesia, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

- Andrew Molodynski, Consultant Mental Health Lead, British Medical Association


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