Building an effective sales enablement program from a blank slide

Описание к видео Building an effective sales enablement program from a blank slide

Coming from organizations with established sales enablement programs makes it easier to create content, conduct training, and ensure programs are in place to empower sales.

But what happens when you are pioneering product marketing in a startup or as a new organizational function? Where do you start? How do you get an organizational alignment? How do you measure success?

Join us with Nick Thompson, VP of Product Marketing at Tacton, to learn how to align your organization around your vision, pitfalls to avoid, and how to strategically build a program that works now and scales later.

Watch this PMMnow session as we cover:
✅ How to start building an effective sales enablement program and what the key functions are
✅ Gaining organizational alignment
✅ Launching with a BANG!
✅ Scaling and measuring for ongoing success


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